Screen Print Artist-Blexbolex

Blexbolex is a comics artist and illustrator who hails from France. Born in Douai, his given name is Bernard Granger. At the School of Fine Arts (L’école européenne supérieure de l’image) in Angoulême, he studied screen printing. He began with self-published works later he contributed to Popo Color, Fusée, and Ferraille. Inspired by the films of Jacques Tati and whodunits of the 1950s and 1960s, his highly stylized ligne claire illustration gained him an audience. In Germany, at the Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weissensee (School of Art and Design Berlin-Weissensee), he began and directed an art studio. He began working with well-known editors, such as Thierry Magnier, Pipifax, United Dead Artists, Les Requins-Marteaux, and Cornélius. Contributing to the American publication of The Ganzfeld, Blexbolex has made a name for himself. He received the honor of  “Best Book Design of the World” for his book, L’Imagier des gens (2008), at the Book Fair of Leipzig in 2009.

What I find interesting about him is that he incorporated his sceen printing work into books for children. Calling them “visual storytellings”, his work is commonly found in children’s books and graphic novels. These storytellings showcase his “experimental approach” to mixing hand-drawn characteristic illustration with book production and commercial printing techniques.

These images below are taken from some of his illustrative children’s books. (Dog Crime, Nobrow 2: The Jungle, and Abecederia)

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